Saturday, June 2, 2012


I don't know if it's claustrophobia or some other classification, but I really hate being confined. This is why I want the aisle seat at a movie, concert, or airplane. I want an escape. Operas or classical concerts where you really can't leave your seat for an hour may as well be torture for me. Airplanes are hell - especially from the time I get on the plane until it takes off. Once the plane is in the air and I know I can get up, I'm fine again. Then from the time the plane starts to descend until it parks at the gate is painful. It's not that I dislike flying or planes, quite the opposite actually. I just hate not being able to move freely. It's not a sitting thing, because standing on a subway train or in a line is bad as well. Meetings at work are bad. I can last about 20 minutes and then I need to *get out now*. I have the same reaction in large crowds of people. Close-in spaces don't bug me like a traditionally classified claustrophobic, which is why I think it is more of an issue with confinement.
I wish there was an easy cure for whatever this is, but I doubt it. I know it's all in my head. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older, too. Odd, eh?

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